Bison Bank donates protective equipment to the National Health Service

Lisbon, May 11, 2020 – Bison Bank donated three thousand FFP2 masks to the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS), EPE, so they can be distributed to hospitals and primary health care network, to be used in the fight against the coronavirus.

“Bison Bank’s mission is to set up an intercontinental bridge between the Asian market and the international market. In this time of national emergency, we decided to pursue our mission for the national common good, leveraging on our robust network of resources to order three thousand certified protective masks, coming from China, which are now able to be used by Portuguese health professionals, in this fight that belongs to everyone.”, said Lily Yang, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Bison Bank.

SPMS, EPE’s mission is to provide shared services in the areas of purchasing and logistics, financial services, human resources, information and communication systems and technologies, to entities with specific activity in the health area, in order to “centralize, optimize and rationalize” the acquisition of goods and services in the National Health Service.

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