Subject to the customer’s access to competent judicial means, Bison Bank ensures to the respective users of payment services effective and adequate extrajudicial means of complaint and dispute resolution, of value equal to or less than the jurisdiction of first-instance courts, concerning the rights and obligations established in Decree-Law no. 107/2017, of August 30th.
Under current legislation, Bison Bank informs that it has adhered to the following alternative dispute resolution entities:
If the consumer dispute related to mobility is cross-border and of a value less than the jurisdiction of the first-instance courts, the Client may resort to CACCL through the network of competent national bodies to extrajudicially resolve consumer complaints in the domain of financial services (FIN-NET Network). The resolution of consumer disputes in the domain of financial services through other entities adhering to the FIN-NET network will depend on Bison Bank’s agreement.
For more information, the FIN-NET Network should be consulted through the website.
On November 30th, 2023, Bison Bank entered a Protocol on Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (“RAL”) with CMVM.
Through this protocol, Bison Bank accepts the use of RAL mechanisms whenever the dispute concerns financial intermediation activities, as defined in article 289.º of the Securities Code and the amount in dispute does not exceed € 15,000.00 (fifteen thousand euros), if the consumer client’s claim, in the capacity of a non-professional investor, has not been fully addressed in the previous complaint submitted by the same to Bison Bank and CMVM.
Customers can resort to the following Arbitration Centers of the Consumer Arbitration Network adhering to the Protocol:
The contacts of these Arbitration Centers are made available by the Directorate-General for Consumers on the Consumer Portal.
For more information, consult the CMVM website.