The Future of M&A: Challenges and Opportunities

Bison Bank and the Portuguese-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized a webinar on April 8th under the theme – O Futuro das Fusões e Aquisições: Desafios e Oportunidades. The event was run in Portuguese and occurred through the zoom platform.

Panel of Speakers:

. Thiago Barrozo | Brazil Bureau Chief at Mergermarket
. Gladstone Siqueira | Managing Director and Head of Investment Banking Department
. Carlos Mota Santos | Member of the Board of Directors and Vice-President of the Executive Committee at Mota-Engil, SGPS, S.A. and also President of Mota-Engil América Latina
. Luis Mota Duarte | CFO at SonaeSierra
. João Pedro Taborda | Vice President for Government Affairs in Europe, Africa and the Middle East at Embraer
. Rodrigo Figueiredo | Partner at Mattos Filho
. João Marcelino | Lawer at Mattos Filho
. Elmano Sousa Costa | Senior Lawer at Morais Leitão

The event brought together several specialists in the M&A sector and detailed 3 case studies of operations within the Portuguese-Brazilian corridor. It was presented the outlook for the European and Brazilian M&A sector for the upcoming year.

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