António Henriques

Chief Executive Officer


Master in Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in Information Management from Universidade Aberta and a Bachelor degree in Organization and Business Management from Universidade Moderna of Lisbon.

Mr. Henriques has more than 25 years of experience in the investment banking and asset management sectors. Extensive management experience in the areas of business development, internal control, operations, organization, information technology, procurement, quality and sustainability. Also, Mr. Henriques has coordinated several performance, productivity and organizational transformation programs during his career.

Former positions held include Executive Director and Deputy CEO of Bison Bank (2018-2021), Board Member and Chairman of the Board of Banif – Banco de Investimento (2016-2018) and, upon deliberation of the Bank of Portugal, Board Member of Banif – Banco Internacional do Funchal (2015-2018) and Oitante (2017-2018).

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