Discussion on Chinese Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Europe

Bison Bank and the Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce of Small and Medium Enterprises (CCPC-SME) organized a webinar under the theme – “Discussion on Chinese Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Europe”, on December 14th, 2020, at 10:00 am (Lisbon Time), transmitted through the Zoom platform. The event was held in Chinese.

Panel of speakers:

. Bian Fang | CEO of Bison Bank
. Y Ping Chow | President of the Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce of Small and Medium Enterprises (CCPC-SME)
. Liang Zhan | CEO of Iberia Universal
. Xu Yiwen | International Business Director of Made-in-China
. Zhang Benxin | President of the Norwegian International Economic & Trade Development Association
. Wu Haiyan | Practicing Lawyer in Macau, Deputy Secretary General of China-ASEAN (Macau) Arbitration Association

On the debate, issues such as the impact of Chinese SMEs in Europe, the current status of the Chinese businesses in Europe were addressed, and the different views on the future of Chinese SMEs in a post pandemic scenario were also be analyzed.

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