An Investment Fund that enables its subscribers to invest in Bonds from Chinese issuers.

An innovative Investment Fund that allows you to

Have Fund's Shares in USD, EUR and CNY

Exposure to Chinese issuers of high credit quality

Daily subscriptions and redemptions and an adequate degree of diversification

Description of Bison China Flexible Bond Fund

Definition and Objective

Definition: Alternative Open-end Flexible Investment Fund, of indefinite duration, denominated in three categories – A, B and C, whose distinction consists on the currency denomination of the quotation, subscription and redemption; USD, EUR and CNY, respectively.

Objective: To provide participants with an investment composed of liquid assets, mostly bonds from Chinese issuers, with the objective of obtaining a higher return than the benchmark.

Risk and Remuneration Profile (SRRI)

Risk and remuneration indicator of this Fund:

  • Category A Shares (USD): Risk Class of 3, in a scale from 1 to 7.
  • Category B Shares (EUR): Risk Class of 4, in a scale from 1 to 7
  • Category C Shares (CNY): Risk Class of 3, in a scale from 1 to 7.

Investment Policy

The Fund will have the following maximum investment limits, in terms of the Fund’s Net Asset Value (FNAV):

  • 100% in Money Market Instruments and Money Market Funds;
  • 50% in Chinese Government Bonds or State-Owned Enterprises;
  • 30% in Bonds issued by Chinese companies with Investment Grade rating;
  • 50% in Bonds issued by Chinese Financial Institutions with Investment Grade rating;
  • 30% in Bonds of High Yield Chinese Issuers;
  • 10% in Bonds of Chinese Issuers with no rating;
  • 50% of  Direct investment in cumulative exposure of CNH and CNY;
  • 20% of Shares in other Funds.

The Fund may only invest in Chinese bonds issued in the Offshore market, with a minimum of 2 out of 3 ratings conferred by the following international agencies (S&P, Moody’s and Fitch). The Fund may only invest in Chinese Onshore bonds, with a minimum of 1 out of 3 ratings conferred by the following international agencies (S&P, Moody’s and Fitch) or with a rating given by Dagong. The Fund may not invest more than 20% of the FNAV in the same bond issue. The Fund may not invest more than 20% of the FNAV in the same issuer (with the exception of government debt).

Income Policy

Accumulation fund, without income distribution.

Minimum recommended investment period: 3 years.

Subscription Conditions

Minimum initial subscription amount: 20.000 USD or 15.000 EUR or 120.000 CNY.

Minimum amount of subsequent subscriptions: 1.000 USD or 1.000 EUR or 7.000 CNY.

The subscription becomes effective on the next business day after the date of the subscription request.

Redemption Conditions

The redemption fee is calculated according to the term of the investment, as follows:

  • 0,5% of the Share value up to 90 days, elapsed from the date of the subscription order (e.g.: on a 1,000 euros redemption request, the refund amount will be of 995 euros);
  • 0% of the Share value after 90 days elapsed from the subscription order date;
  • Orders placed after twelve o’clock, Continental Portugal time, will be considered as of the following business day. The redemption payment will be made five working days after the date of submission of the request.

Other fees

Charges charged to the Fund during one year: 1,56% (expected value).

    Subscribe now this innovative Fund!

    * Mandatory Fields.

    Information and Documentation


    The value and return resulting from the investments may fall or rise and, consequently, the value of the units may decrease or increase depending on the evolution of the assets that make up the fund, with higher returns being normally associated with greater risk. Due to economic and market risks, there is no guarantee that the fund will achieve its objectives. It should be noted the investment in the collective investment undertaking may result in the loss of capital invested.

    Commercialization Entity: Bison Bank, S.A. – Share Capital: €195,198,370.00 – C.R.C. Lisboa with NIPC 502 261 722, with headquarters at Rua Barata Salgueiro, 33, Piso 0, 1250-042 Lisbon – Portugal.

    Management Entity: Lynx Asset Managers SGOIC, S.A. – Share Capital: €1.850.000,00 – C.R.C. Lisboa with NIPC 507 929 934, with headquarters at Avenida duque de Ávila, Nº 185, 4ºD 1050-082 Lisbon – Portugal.

    The information provided does not exempt with the careful and detailed reading of the Key investor information Document (KIID), the Full Prospectus and the Distributor’s Particular Conditions, which contain the conditions applied to the Fund’s subscription and redemption operations, documents available here and which you should read carefully before considering and making any investment decision.

    Any decision based on the information contained in this electronic communication is its own responsibility, and no liability arising from that decision can be attributed to Bison Bank, S.A..

    The Key investor information Document (KIID) and the full prospectuses are also available in all locations and venues of commercialization, as well as at CMVM’s website –